Selfie Sunday.... {on Tuesday}The back-story of this post: I realized a few months ago that as business started to pick up, my own personal photographic endeavors kind of slowed down. They didn't just slow down. They completely halted, actually. For the last few years I've put together a little calendar of my kids for the grandparents. As I was sifting through this year's pictures, I saw that entire MONTHS had gone by without a single snap of my awesome kids. And of me? Forget it. Clearly I need to get back to my roots. I read recently, that as a photographer, it's a really good idea to have a picture in the "About Me" section of your web page. Well.. the most recent and decent picture I have of myself was taken just over two years ago when I was very pregnant with my 4th child. Enter Selfie Sunday. For future reference, self portraits are kinda tough.. especially when all you have to work with are 2- and 10-second, single-shot timers. I'm messing with manual "guess where it'll hit next time" focus, stepping as far away from the camera as I possibly can, hitting the shutter release, zooming to my spot and trying to look as relaxed and "me" as possible. Ha! The exciting part is.. I will get to see the growth I accomplish over the next several weeks of this project, and you readers, potential clients, and current clients will get to know me better. AND, I should eventually come up with a pretty decent "About Me" picture. Three birds with one stone. Sweet! Here's what I came up with on my first week's attempt: The technical shooter in me is driven mad by some of the happenings in this photo. They are things that I would recognize and fix quickly if I were constantly behind the camera taking pictures of someone else. The "model" in me isn't excited to be in front of the camera. I am camera shy and feel a little insecure with a big lens pointed my way. But you know what? A lot of my clients feel the same way about the camera lens, and if I can loosen them up by the end of a session.. I think I can loosen myself up too... So this is for all you other camera shy, insecure people out there. FACT: I love the outtakes most of all.
~ Summer
Selfie Sunday
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